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​   Disease:                

Brought back my period which had been absent for more than five months

I'm 50 years old and have had problems with irregular periods - I sometimes get them only once every two or three months, and sometimes twice a month or more. I also had trouble sleeping well at night, and every time I got up in the middle of the night, it was hard to go back to sleep. The dark spots and freckles on my face stood out even more, making me look haggard and unrefreshed!

Then, the company launched REOXlife PRO W+ GOLD which is suitable for women my age, so I bought it to try it out. After I took 11 packs, I didn't expect my period, which had stopped for more than five months, would come back! I was so happy! I thought I had stopped menstruating!

I've taken three boxes of W+ Gold so far, and I find that my periods are coming on time every month! My sleep has also improved and I fall asleep easily! Best of all, my husband says my skin is smoother and smoother, proving that REOXlife PRO W+ GOLD can also improve my skin!

I am very grateful to the company for launching such a great product and will continue to take it ❤️ ❤️



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