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Completely healed a post-operation wound

My third son was admitted to the hospital for surgery for appendicitis. After he was taken out of the operating room, I sprayed some 2° REOX Series H+ into a seven-centimetre on my son's belly several times a day. None of the doctors or nurses knew about this.

The next day, when the doctor examined the wound, he said it had recovered well and was ready to put gauze over it. I continued to spray my son with 2° REOX Series H+ and soon saw that the wound was healed. After being discharged from the hospital on the third day, I started applying 2° Redoxy Essence after spraying the 2° REOX Series H+ for scar removal.

In less than two weeks, the scar from the surgery was almost invisible. Now, if you don't look closely, you wouldn't know that he had an appendectomy!


2° REOX Series H+

2° Redoxy Essence

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