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​   Disease:                

Helped a lot with stomach bacteria and skin issues

In January this year, my husband's medical report showed that his stomach was full of H. pylori bacteria. H. pylori makes the stomach less acidic; this way, the stomach’s original bacteria can neither survive nor reproduce while the gastric mucosa is damaged and thus causes stomach acid to corrode other tissue. It also prevents gastric ulcers from healing. Untreated gastric ulcers can end up causing gastric perforation, cellular heterogeneity, and even stomach cancer.

After three months of taking the medication prescribed by the doctor, my husband’s condition began to stabilize. Then, he started taking REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD in June/ After two months of taking it, he had a physical exam and found that his stomach hardly had any H. pylori in it!

In addition, after using 2° Redoxy Essence, my husband's skin began to glow; his fine lines and crow’s feet also disappeared before long! So he’s still using it!

We are really excited! Thanks to Return Legacy products, my husband's health and youth have been restored through internal and external conditioning!


2° Redoxy Essence

REOXlife Mediterranean Gold

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