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​   Disease:                

Made the skin on my hands as good as new

I'm finally free of the skin issues thathad plagued my hand for years! ...well, not entirely. I sometimes get a few small blisters and I still have to use hand cream every day, but I'm very satisfied that my hands have healed to this extent!

At their worst, my hands would be red, swollen, itchy, painful, and dry to the point of cracking! This first happened to my knuckles, then the rest of my fingers, and then even my palms! This made me really distressed. Not only that - it even hurt me physically to perform everyday tasks such as wringing out a wet tablecloth. I couldn’t even go to the bank because my fingerprints could not be scanned.

Did I see a doctor, you may ask? Of course I did! I'd been to a few and been prescribed steroid cream, but if I were to stop using it at any time, my hands’ condition would deteriorate. I also took anti-fungal and anti-itch medication. However, no matter what I tried, there seemed to be no solution!

Fortunately, thank God, that is now all in the past! After I used Return Legacy's products, my hands are fine again! I used 2° REOX Series H+ and take REOXlife PRO W+, REOXlife POTENT, and REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD in addition to a non-steroid hand cream.

Now I can't remember the last time I used steroid cream - probably around four or five months ago? Yeah! Thank you Return Legacy for restoring the condition of my hands!


2° REOX Series H+


REOXlife Potent

REOXlife Mediterranean Gold

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