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Thanks to Return Legacy, my skin is no longer awful

I have always felt inferior because of the large pores, pimples and pockmarks on my face. I had used many products before, but none of them seemed to do much for me. A beautician told me that it would take a long, long time for my face’s condition to normalize - I was devastated!

Soon, I came across Return Legacy and read many testimonials. On June 29, 2015, I decided to try Return Legacy products to see how good they really are. By July 21, I noticed that the acne scars and pits had faded. The first photo shows the effects of 2° Redoxy Essence after using it for almost three weeks, while the second was after one further week of using 2° REOX Series H+ as well. These positive outcomes made me more confident in Return Legacy products for my skin

On August 16, I began to take REOXlife PRO W+ and REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD as well. However, I had a sudden acne breakout on October 16. I thought of abandoning Return Legacy products, but my upline Elvin explained to me that sometimes, these things would happen, so I continued to take the products because I had faith in them.

Finally, my skin became brighter, more stable, and less prone to breakouts. My pores also shrank! In addition, I noticed that after using 2° Activator Hydro, my face became smoother! I was so happy! Even my beautician was surprised and happy that my skin had improved so much! Not only that - after a few months, my menstrual problems began to clear up; I no longer had painful or irregular periods. Take a look at the photos I’ve provided as proof of the positive effects of Return Legacy products on my skin.


2° Activator Hydro

2° Redoxy Essence

2° REOX Series H+


REOXlife Mediterranean Gold

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