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​   Disease:                

Solved menstrual issues and made my skin much better

After I gave birth, I began to develop facial acne and uneven pigmentation because I neither prioritized my usual skin care routine nor had time to go to a beauty salon. Then, my sister Carmen Chea introduced me to Return Legacy products. I later learned that my friend was taking REOXlife PRO W+ and I was so impressed by the changes I saw that I bought three boxes of REOXlife PRO W+ for myself!

After taking the first box, I could feel the benefits. I was more energetic, and more importantly, it improved the menstrual pain that had been bothering me for years. During this period, I also used the company's 2° skincare line (2° REOX Series H+, 2° Activator Hydro, and 2° Redoxy Essence) which solved my problems of facial oiliness and acne. I’ve been using them ever since. My friends and relatives saw my results during this period and have since tried it for themselves. Although I’m constantly sleep-deprived because I'm taking care of my baby myself, I can still keep my spirits high and look my very best.


2° REOX Series H+

2° Activator Hydro

2° Redoxy Essence


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