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​   Disease:                

Suitable to address hormonal imbalances

Five years ago, I gave birth to a baby and became a stay-at-home mother. My daughter was often sick, making me a new mother who was overwhelmed and confused. To make matters worse, I had a serious hormonal imbalance. One day, my fingers started to dry out, crack, and bleed. After seeing the doctor, he said it was a hormonal imbalance and just prescribed me steroid cream. In addition to the medication, I also had to stop eating chicken because as soon as I ate chicken, my dry and cracked fingers would itch.

One day, my sister-in-law introduced me to REOXlife PRO W+, which she said would help with my hormonal problems, so I bought a box from her to try it out. I remember that I started taking REOXlife PRO W+ around three weeks after my first day of pregnancy. I was surprised to find that my hands were neither dry nor painful when I took one box of REOXlife PRO W+, which made me very happy. The only problem was that once I ate chicken, my fingers still itched.

From the second month onwards, I added six packets of REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD every day. After one month, the problem of dry and cracked fingers was completely solved!

Additionally, after taking REOXlife PRO W+ and REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD, my sleep quality has greatly improved and I sleep well almost evey night. I used to have problems with insomnia which intensified after I had children because I would always worry about them. Also, my periods have finally normalized! Ever since I was a schoolgirl, I’d only get my period once every three months.

W+ made me want to know more about what kind of company Return Legacy is, and after learning more about it, I immediately signed up as an agent and became a member of Return Legacy. I am thankful that I came across such wonderful products which restored my youth, health, and beauty.


REOXlife Mediterranean Gold


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